How It Works
Earning is easy! Here's how:
Make all your everyday purchases with your Herring Bank Debit Card or your Herring Bank Credit Card. Every purchase earns points. In addition, we have partnered with hundreds of your favorite national brand retailers and local stores as preferred retailers, so you can always find what you want or need and earn more points.
Whether you shop online or in-store, either way you earn Points.
ONLINE: Earn more Points when you shop at preferred retailers through this site.
IN-STORE: Earn more Points when shopping at preferred retailers just by using your Herring Bank Debit Card or Herring Bank Credit Card.
With so many opportunities to earn, your Points will add up fast! You can view your recent earnings now by visiting the Earn Summary page.
Having trouble registering for the Herring Rewards program? Still have questions? Contact Herring Rewards.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is Herring Rewards?
Herring Rewards gives Herring Bank Debit Card and Herring Bank Credit cardholders a way to earn Points on their purchases.
How do I enroll in Herring Rewards?
Call 866.348.3435 or visit any Herring Bank branch and speak to a representative about enrolling in Herring Rewards.
How does it work?
Herring Bank Debit Card
Enroll in the Herring Rewards program and use your debit card to make purchases at hundreds of online stores and local retailers where you already shop. To earn even more points for online purchases, you must access preferred retailers through the Herring Rewards website. To earn points shopping in a store, make sure you use your Herring Bank debit card. Your earned points will automatically be credited to your Herring Rewards account. Signature purchases will earn more points. PIN purchases earn points at a rate of .125 points per dollar spent. All other (NON-PIN) purchases earn points at a rate of .25 points per dollar spent. Your "preferred retailer" earned points will be credited to your Herring Rewards account within 30 days of purchase.
Herring Bank Credit Card
Enroll in the Herring Rewards program and use your credit card to make purchases at hundreds of online stores and local retailers where you already shop. To earn even more points for online purchases, you must access preferred retailers through the Herring Rewards website. To earn points shopping in a store, make sure you use your Herring Bank Credit card. Your earned points will automatically be credited to your Herring Rewards account. Credit Card purchases earn points at a rate of .50 points per dollar spent. Your "preferred retailer" earned points will be credited to your Herring Rewards account within 30 days of purchase.
Where can I earn Points?
You can earn Points anywhere MasterCard is accepted. This includes hundreds of national brand preferred retailers through this site or at stores and restaurants in your area. The Herring Rewards website is frequently updated with new preferred retail partners and offers, so check back often.
Where can I see my total Points I have available today?
To see a rewards total or to redeem Points you have earned, log on and click on the "Redeem Now" link at the top of the page.
Where are my bonus points?
Bonus points (enrollment and 1st transaction) will credit the account at the end of the month.
If I have another question about Herring Rewards not listed above, who can I contact?
Please contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.